News for Aztec Parents

cover of News for Aztec Parents magazine

News for Aztec Parents, a magazine for parents and families of SDSU students, is sent directly to the homes of Aztec Parents Association members in the fall and spring.

Parents are partners in the educational experiences of students and in the initiatives of SDSU's administrators, faculty and staff. The sharing of information is of major importance to the building of that partnership.

“I look forward to receiving my News for Aztec Parents magazine. It tells me what is going on at SDSU and provides highlights of upcoming events.”

News for Aztec Parents will...

  • Keep you up to date about campus news and events.
  • Encourage you to help your student adjust to change, find a direction, achieve his or her goals and prepare for the future.
  • Help you to share in the excitement of the university experience!

Aztec Parent & Family Podcast

cover of News for Aztec Parents magazine

The purpose of this podcast is to inform you, as parents, families and the community, about events taking place and resources available at SDSU. Come and listen to experts and professionals such as administrators, student leaders, faculty and staff who will discuss topics related to your student’s success at the university.

We will provide you with resources and ideas on how to work with your students as we understand that navigating college can be a big task. This podcast aims to give you insight on what it means to be part of the Aztec community.

Parent & Family Newsletter

New Student and Parent Programs Parent & Family Newsletter

The New Student and Parent Programs Parent Newsletter is a once-a-month email communication to parents and families. Click on the links below to view our past editions: